Sunday, September 16, 2012

LOL @me back in January:


Yup. Season 3. Hopefully by the end of this year. Nuff said.”


God, I hate post limit.

I hit it today, but I need to get my feels out about this song because ALL THE REICHENBACH FEELS ;AKSJDFKA;SDJFASDKJF

Exit Wounds by The Script

Gawd, this song. I’m listening to it as I make this post, in fact, and HALP ME DEAR LORD. How can a song be so perfect? Just the first four lines describe the scene of the fall so precisely. Just watch John as he walks towards Sherlock’s body in Reichenbach as you listen to these lines:

My hands are cold,
my body’s numb,
I’m still in shock,
what have you done?

Jeez. Can you say REICHENBACH?

It’s been a while since I found a song that so perfectly fits the fall. Bless The Script; I think I need to listen to more of their songs. Funny, that. I remember a few years ago, when I used to hear Breakeven on the radio and immediately turn it off because I hated that song. And now it’s on my Reichenbach playlist. Oh, the irony. (Although that really is the story of my life – a lot of the songs I’ve fallen in love with now, I used to despise before. And it’s really because I never gave them a chance.)

EDIT: Oh, Jesus, have mercy. I just found another song by The Script, and it practically SCREAMS Johnlock.

Science and Faith by The Script

Oh, look at that. The second song* I’ve come across that gets them down perfectly, and has “science” in the title. AHGAHGAHGHAGH /i can’t

*the first was The Scientist by Coldplay

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Study in Winning by Jupiter-Ash - Review

Man, this fic. I'm definitely adding it to my fandom classics list, because it reminds me of 'Performance in a Leading Role' a lot. It's basically on the same level - Jupiter-Ash has taken Sherlock and John, placed them in a totally new universe, and still made it work. It's fabulously written, paced just right, and you can TELL the author did her research on tennis. It's essentially converted me to a tennis fan! (I used to watch it before, but not much. Now I know I'll be sitting right there with my grandparents watching Wimbledon! I only wish Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were real tennis players ;u;)
The best thing about this fic hands-down is the tennis. God, I love the tennis. It's not too rushed, but it doesn't drag on forever, either. I must admit, I did enjoy the Moriarty in this fic. Especially the part when John punched him at the party. XD
Bottom line: if you've read and enjoyed Performance in a Leading Role, then definitely give this one a shot. It's just as good. With an added bonus: there's a sequel, which is currently a WIP! ^^

Livejournal, WHY?!

So lately, I've been considering making myself an LJ account. I mean, why not? I already have a Tumblr, and it's not like an LJ account would be a big leap or anything, since I already spend so much time on there reading fanfic... Plus, LJ is a really convenient site. I can actually get to it on my phone, too! (The mobile version, that is. Which is really nicely formatted btw! I like it~)
I can already log into the website using my Google account, anyway. The only reason I want a full-fledged LJ is because I can't (a): post comments on the really awesome fanfics I've read, and (b): make my own posts (fanfic or otherwise). The reason I'm even bringing this up is because I need a place to post my fanfic. (Yes, I know. Me, post fanfic?! The world is going to END!) Nothing great, mind you. I just need a place to put all of them so I can organize my thoughts. Quite frankly, I've gotten tired of trying to keep track of all the loose leaf papers I've written ficlets and snatches of Johnlock on. (One is in my fast track binder and the other's in my computer science one... I think. They travel too often!)
So why am I posting this anyway? If I already made myself an LJ? The problem is, I haven't. Livejournal's being retarded by putting a limit on the length of the username. I wanted to use the same one as my tumblr (for convenience), but it's too long. Apparently, it can only be 15 characters. (wtf?) So 'purpleshirtobsession' is too long. Only 'purpleshirtobses' fits. So either I make up a similar username, or I forget about the whole idea. Idk, I'm giving up for now. I'll probably try again later, once I can actually think of a good username... >.>'

P.S. If I ever do make an LJ and post what little fanfic I've written, don't be eager to read what I have. It'll be crap anyway. Most - no, ALL of the stuff I've written is unfinished. I start off, and then I don't know where to go from there. Ugh. But don't mind me, I'll just sit here and wallow in my fanfic writer's angst. ><

Saturday, March 24, 2012

In the Land of the Blind by entangled_now - Review

MAN, I had no idea what I was getting into when I started reading this fic. Note: it's not a post-apocalyptic fic, it's an apocalyptic fic. So, it deals with the events leading up to it, not the aftermath, which is unique, because this is the very first apocalypse!fic I've read across the fandoms. And WOW. I couldn't even express my feelings as I was reading. It was all there - horror, humor, sadness, and even some 'time-is-repeating-itself' deja vu. And to top it all off, a happy plot twist! Wtf? I mean, who writes happy plot twist endings? Apparently, entangled_now does. And does it well, too. It gives the fic a sense of completion, and a glimmer of hope to counteract all the depression from before. Read this fic!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Because I can't get on Tumblr at school. XD

I've just started reading Infiltrate (tear down the walls and the gate) by SkipandDi (ladyflowdi) on AO3. I love it already, because of the first sentence:

Mycroft loves India in the spring.

And then the following paragraph:

Monsoon season is over but it has done its work, leaving the land fertile and arable. From the sky India looks green, a wash of color across the continent. Mycroft knows when they land it will be vibrant oranges and reds and every shade in between, colors that don’t exist in nature burning in his eyes, and there will be beautiful women wearing delicate sandals and beautiful sari’s and oh, oh, oh, how he loves India in the spring. That touch of the exotic, paradise; when they leave he’ll smell saffron and galingale and star anise in his hair, cinnamon and cumin in his clothes for weeks.

I have never seen a Sherlock fic that has involved India. It just makes me so happy that Mycroft loves India though! :D I may grow to like this Mycroft very much. <3
Plus, I've read enough to know that he's a BAMF. Oh, yes. How I do love BAMF!Mycroft taking on Moriarty. xD 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Progress of Sherlock Holmes by ivyblossom - Review

I am proud to say that I have finally gotten around to reading TPOSH. And I enjoyed it very much. Before reading, I decided to look at what people said about it on Tumblr, and I saw a lot of things about how it was in first person. That kind of dissuaded me from reading it, because first-person can go in the wrong direction really quickly, especially with Sherlock fanfic. Authors often try to do justice to Sherlock's thought processes, but ultimately fail because he becomes totally OOC. John's perspective, on the other hand, is easier, but also fails because authors make him like any other human being - and that ruins everything. So, I wasn't too thrilled to read it, TBH. But everyone who's read it has raved about it, and it is a fandom classic, so I decided to go ahead.
What I really liked about the fic is how unique it is - for two reasons. First, Sherlock's first-person POV is one of the biggest successes in this fic, and that's what really contributes to its position as a classic. Not only are Sherlock's thought processes well-represented in text here, but he is also more human, more accessible, than in other fics.
Second, the entire plot is far more intricate than the summary suggests. It's quite a pleasant surprise to read fics which not only analyze the relationship between John and Sherlock in detail, but also manage to incorporate a fantastically twisted plot - along with a Mary Morstan.
I could go on and on about Mary Morstan here, but let me just say this - I absolutely loved this author's portrayal of Mary. Often, Mary is just a faceless character used to get in the way of Sherlock and John's relationship, or used to help them realize their feelings for each other. (Blegh. Horrible.) But this Mary manages to do just that, while developing into her very own character with personality and such. She really is central to the plot, too. I will say, at first I was a bit wary of this fic because of the Mary - I generally do my best to avoid fics involving Mary Morstan, but I made an exception for TPOSH. And I'm glad I did, too.
Bottom line: It's not called a fandom classic for nothing! Definitely worth multiple re-reads, this one.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waking You Up by brbsoulnomming - Review

Reading this fic gave me the chills. It's rather reminiscent of Inception, with the whole repeatedly waking up with the "kick," and the whole dream-in-a-dream situation. All of these fics which have to do with deja vu, and time repeating itself... they all make me shiver. In a good way, of course.
This fic also reminded me of The Science of Circumvention, another cleverly written fic with a good ol' plot twist at the end. I really do love plot twists and deja vu, don't I? Christ. But they are really well written, I can't help it! And this is no exception.
It starts out gen, but it quickly evolves into angst and dark!fic. Shiver. I love all that dark fic goodness.
I swear to God, I never want to hear the words "wake up" said to me again.
Bottom line: READ and revel in the DARK!FIC!

The Prize by trillsabells - Review

Let me just start off by saying how much I love fanfiction. I read it on my phone ALL THE TIME. My friends all know me now because of it. If they see me scrolling away on my phone at lunch or after school or on the bus, they automatically know I'm reading fanfic. I'm even so addicted that I've gotten to reading it at night in bed when I'm not tired enough to sleep until what I'm reading doesn't register in my brain - that's when I know it's time to really go to sleep.
I also love AU fics. And gen fics. Like I've said before, though, my phone is - forgive me, but it is - retarded. The damn thing never lets me finish reading a fic! There are countless stories which I've not been able to read till the end because of that stupid thing called WebGuard which pops up at the most random times. Like, it's not even "guarding" anything. It's not at all useful; it's really a nuisance.
But by some miracle, I was able to read all 17 chapters of this fic. And I did it all in a night, too, somehow. So, yes, it is fast-paced, suspenseful, action-packed, all the good things a true Sherlock gen fic has.
The Prize is the first post-apocalyptic fic I've read. I was pleasantly surprised by how perfectly everything was pieced together. It definitely could become a part of the show, if Mofftiss decided to do it - which, obviously, they wouldn't... cough cough. I was able to predict a couple of things - spoiler alert! Seb's duplicity spoiler alert! Harry didn't survive, but those were rather trivial things compared to the BAMFness of the plot.
I do have one complaint about the plot, though. The slash/romance between Sherlock and John seemed rather forced, and the fic would have been just as good without it. The "plot twist/reveal" thing at the very end did - sort of - relieve my feelings, but I still felt like the ending was focused too much on how their relationship could progress from there, and less on the gen part.
But whatever. That's the only criticism of the fic I have. I suppose all good fics have some flaws. This has been added to my must-read Sherlock fics list because the overall BAMFness and fantastic AU uni caused me to really enjoy this fic.
Bottom line: Read!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kristin Cashore! :)

:D It makes me so happy to see her thoughts on Sherlock! <3 I just want to squeeeee. I'm so freaking excited for season 2! GAH. Freaking May.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


omfg not even kidding. GO WATCH IT NOW. As if I didn’t need any more convincing that Moves Like Jagger really is a perfect Sherlock song…

Moves Like Jagger – Sherlock

the scenes. match the music. PERFECTLY. I especially loved sherlock’s moves like jagger. He really does have them. ;)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

All the Sherlock Ships I've Shipped

Thanks to tumblr, I've realized that it's actually not impossible to ship everything and everyone in Sherlock. Ha.

  • Sherlock/John - Well, duh. OTP!
  • Sherlock/Moriarty - They seriously are perfect for each other, as illustrated by TRF.
  • Sherlock/Mycroft - Cough, yes, this is incest, but just watch the scene at Buckingham Palace in ASiB, and you'll know what I mean.
  • John/Lestrade - Hehehe, I must admit that this just might be becoming my secret ship. Don't worry, I've only read one so far. But one tumblr post yesterday illustrated this ship so perfectly. If only tumblr weren't blocked at school, I could find it... (GAH, y u block tumblr stupid ppl!?!) But basically, it's in s2, and John and Lestrade are on a first-name basis, and Sherlock's like, "WTF?"
  • Molly/Moriarty - Clearly, it's illustrated in TGG. But I think reading AU fics has helped this along. cough The Anatomist cough
  • Sherlock/Molly - Again, a tumblr post illustrated this, but I also found it while browsing Sherlock quotes. Read it and tell me how this is not illustrating this ship. (Sherlock Holmes: If I wasn't everything you think I am, everything that I think I am...would you still want to help me? Molly Hooper: What do you need? Sherlock Holmes: You.)
  • Sherlock/Irene - Oh, come on. I really don't need to spell this one out for you, do I?
  • John/Moriarty - Ok, I know it sounds weird. But read this, and you'll know why. I'm really open to any pairing, especially if there's a really well-written fanfic shipping them.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I must say...

Thanks to cathedral_carver, I've returned to the Harry Potter fandom. HGSS only, though. I think I'm sick of Dramione. Ugh, I seriously think I got way too obsessed with it, because I just can't STAND Draco and Hermione. Ew, just the thought... Bah. At least I can tolerate Grape! And cathedral_carver's fanfics are well-written, too. So that makes the return to HPFF much more tolerable. ;) I read all of the Sherlock fics, so I decided to try the HP ones too. I've read two so far, and I just finished Horribly Happy. Jeez, talk about creepy! Rather reminiscent of Corpse Bride and Coraline. But really good stuff too. I like the twist - at the beginning, I thought Hermione actually was immortal - so she could never die. But it got a whole lot darker and disturbing. But it's a good fic.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I have a couple of points to make.

IMO, there’s no way you can watch Sherlock without shipping Johnlock at some point in time. Whether it’s platonically, or romantically, bromance or romance, there’s just no way you can resist shipping them. The relationship between Sherlock Holmes and John Watson is central to the plot, to the entire idea of the series. Nuff said.

I also have to discuss AU fic. Because I am reading Performance in a Leading Role. Yup, that’s right. I finally decided to read it. All this time, I’ve been on the fence about it, because the summary just didn’t convince me. I mean, really? Sherlock and John – actors? In a movie together?! I was like, wtf? How is that supposed to work? So I wasn’t convinced. But I decided to give it a shot, because everyone has been recommending it, and I even saw on Tumblr (I think it was bbcsherlockftw) somebody else was also not convinced about reading it, but the answer recommended it 150%. So I thought, oh what the heck, I’ll go ahead and try.

And LORD, I was NOT disappointed! I am LOVING it. I almost can’t believe it’s by the same author of AoTW. It’s the total OPPOSITE of that; it’s funny, heartwarming, well-written – it’s definitely a good antidote to all that angst. :P

But the point I wanted to make is – this fic has totally changed my perception of AU Sherlock fanfiction. Previously, I preferred to read AU fics that didn’t alter much from canon – Sherlock and John still live in Baker Street, they solve crimes in London together, etc. But this one – it’s WAY different. Totally AU, and I guess that made me wary of reading it. Because the thing is, I stay away from total-AU fics, because quite often, the universe that the author creates doesn’t quite live up to my expectations; it’s just never as good as the original universe. So I mostly avoid them. But I made an exception for Performance in a Leading Role, and boy am I glad I did. It’s fantastic. I actually think one can read this without having watched Sherlock, and it will still make perfect sense! *cough cough*

Performance In a Leading Role

Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Ms. Cashore...


I wanted to comment on your post about Sherlock because YOU are one of the BEST YA authors I have EVER encountered, and to find out that you love it too... I can't even. It's so wonderful to find out that there are people I know who are Sherlockians out there! It makes me so HAPPY. :)

And side note - I see that you also saw that it's coming to PBS in May... I'm sure it is, but I wasn't convinced, because they decided not to re-air Season One of the show down here in Texas like they said they would. (Although there was fine print that said "Limited TV airings." that I didn't see.)

Rather upsetting, it was. So I'm hoping there isn't any fine print on Season Two, because I will be so pissed off if they don't air it in May. After all the agony I'm going through... All I'm saying is, it better be worth it. And from what I've seen on Tumblr, Season Two was better than One. Was it, Ms. Cashore? I value your opinion! :)))

Saturday, January 21, 2012



I can’t even. I don’t even.

So I tried to watch the unaired pilot but stopped when I found out it was about 30 minutes long. *sighs* Too much time to spend now.

But I did watch a fanvid on Tumblr. It only served to increase my need for Season 2 (NOW, DAMMIT! WHY do we have to wait till FREAKING MAY for it to be broadcasted here in the US?!?!?!) and the post-Reichenbach grief/sorrow/depression that I received from Tumblr. Nevertheless, I am wholeheartedly enjoying every moment of it. (Again, I AM a masochist.) To the Sherlock fandom: I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. <3

will you do this for me? Sherlock BBC by KatrinDep

And I also read two beautiful Sherlock fanfics. Heartwarming, both of them!

Measuring the Size of the Human Voice

Five Seconds

And I am currently reading this one. Only read the intro so far, but I am already hooked! I can tell this one’s going to be a keeper. It’s so poetic and lyrical! I do love Sherlock fics like that. When I’m not being a masochist, that is. ;)


And a side-note: Domestic!Sherlock is quickly becoming one of my fave fanfic genres. (Genres? Is that what you call it? Idek..) It really came from this fic:

The Empty House

His interactions with Sarah and the way he’s so tender and gentle with her and OMG it’s soooooooo CUTEEEEEE! <3 GAH. I love it when the human side of Sherlock comes out. It’s beautiful. Especially when watching the actual show, LOL. >:D

But THIS FIC has stayed with me for a while now. I catch myself pondering it a lot, and it’s BRILLIANT. Fantastically written AU fic. So utterly believable, and I do LOVE this author’s Sherlock. It’s different, and I like it. That’s the reason I like AU fics, because they have Sherlocks that aren’t the same as the canon one, but they still match in ways. (To experience this, also read Art of the Reasoner. Artist!Sherlock is beautiful.)

Above, Below - Through the Cracks

Just the concept of Above and Below, and Sherlock as part of Below – sigh. I can’t even describe how beautiful it is. Beautiful isn’t even the right word! Idk, just read it. Seriously.

Actually, doodle_writes is a really good author. The first fic that I read was A Silver Sixpence, and it was HILARIOUS. GOD, I loved it. Especially the proposal. >:D

A Silver Sixpence“John, we need to get married.”

Friday, January 20, 2012

I have so much to say but this is the most important.


Yup. Season 3. Hopefully by the end of this year. Nuff said.

Sigh… This fandom! <3 *hugs and kisses to all Sherlockians in the world*

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hurrah! :D

It’s Friday the 13th, and I’m officially excited.

Finals are over, long weekend’s coming up (SHERLOCK ON SUNDAY OMG), and I am going to have SO MUCH FUN. ^_^

Lots to say. I am almost 100% sure I’ll audition for the talent show, and I’ve decided on performing It Will Rain by Bruno Mars. What really gets me about the song is that everytime I listen to it, I think of how perfectly it describes the Sherlock/John relationship. Because it does. If you’ve read Alone on the Water, His Favorite Four Letter F-Words, or The End is a Fraud, you know what I’m talking about. ANGST, ya’ll. And it’s INTENSE.

So, for my Sherlock fic rec of the day: how about Art of the Reasoner? First, it’s partly AU cause Sherlock’s an artist here, not a consulting detective. That said, it still follows the plot of Season 1, and it’s brilliant. Simply brilliant. The characterization is spot-on; I find that I rather like artist!Sherlock. Deeply moving and artistic. Beautiful epilogue too, btw. <3

Art of the Reasoner

On the second hand… I am still trying to confirm that Sherlock really is going to be on KERA this Sunday. Because it IS on the PBS Masterpiece Mystery! site, and it DOES say that it’ll be on KERA North Texas on Channel 13 at 9 pm Sundays. But I’m still not entirely convinced. I won’t be until it actually comes on, and then I shall breathe a sigh of relief. I guess this paranoia is a result of my bad experience last summer, when I saw that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was on demand for free and I got all hyped up about it, and then when I tried to select it, it said I wasn’t allowed because we weren’t subscribed to the channel. *screams*

What a traumatic experience! Needless to say, I’m desperately hoping that isn’t going to be the case here. And since it’s normal TV programming, I’m still not much more optimistic, because the TV Guide usually says something but something else is going on at the time. *sighs* I REALLY hope that isn’t going to happen, come Sunday. I checked TV Guide last night, and was sorely disappointed already. They did have Masterpiece on there, but it was Downton Abbey instead. –______- I’m still holding out though…

LOL my mom came home today and was like, “OMG you have a four-day weekend!?!?! SINISTER PLAN TIME!” And Dad was like “lol no.” And I was like “Hehehehehe, I like the sound of this…” And my mom was like, “Don’t you have any sinister design in mind?!” And I was like, “You just wait… *grins devilishly*” But I didn’t say that, of course. Trying to surprise my mom because she hasn’t seen A Study in Pink, and she NEEDS TO. And she wants to anyway. But the thing is, I’m trying to keep it a secret because if Sherlock doesn’t come on, at least nobody’ll be the wiser… >:)

Finally: I HAVE IT! Jesus, took forever, but I waited patiently. And I have Inheritance in my hands. The book is all new and shiny! :D I can’t wait to read it. 846 pages of sheer delight, just waiting for me to open it. *shiver*

Also: I’m debating whether to read The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter. Thoughts?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yes, I know I’ve been blogging excessively today.

Funnily enough, I don’t seem to care quite as much as I should. Problem?

This Tumblr roleplay is fantastic. Whoever it is, John, it’s fabulous. The gifs that accompany each and every single reply are so fitting and I humorous (OMG I almost spelled it the British way LOL) and the tags are even funnier. Wow, just wow. I’m loving it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go and follow Sherlock… XD

Ask Dr. John H. Watson



Sherlock on PBS

YAYYYYY! Ever since I watched Season 1 on the DVD we got from the library, I’ve been wanting to watch it again. GAH. And here is my chance! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! I could just kiss my computer screen right now, except I won’t because that’s really weird. Virtual kiss! :*


I checked the calendar. May 6th, 13th, and 20th. The first three Sundays of the month.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I am freaking out. Dear lord, I could die a happy fangirl right now. But I won’t, because I need to watch these episodes.

All of a sudden, May doesn’t seem that far away.

But OHHHHHHHHH MY GOSHHHHHHHH I love this. I love Sherlock. I love this show so freaking much. It consumes me. :D And I love Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch, and the chemistry between the two on screen and I love the way Sherlock insinuates that Anderson and Donovan are having an affair in A Study in Pink and I love Sherlock for being a high-functioning sociopath and not a psychopath and I love that Sherlock cares for Mrs. Hudson and John and everyone so much and I love being an onion jammer and I love his Purple Shirt of Sex which I am now getting a second chance to glory in when I watch Season 1 again on PBS and OHMYGAH I LOVE THIS FANDOM.

Okay. Now. Keep calm and love Sherlock. <3 (Keep calm? KEEP CALM? Pfft, like that’s happening… But the love Sherlock is most DEFINITELY happening! ;) )

I want to write fanfiction.

Granted, I suck. But reading all this epic Sherlock stuff is making me wanna contribute! :D Although IF I ever do, it’ll be crap. Not like the moving, lyrical, saying-so-much-without-using-up-an-unnecessary-amount-of-words-like-I-just-did-because-I-can’t-think-of-the-word-that-describes-this works of art out there. Yeah, you can clearly see why I fail at writing. :P

The problem isn’t deciding what to write about – I always have plenty of plot bunnies hopping about in my head (like right now, an especially nagging one that involves Moriarty and a very young girl) and I almost never run out. No, as witness to the above abomination, you can see what my REAL problem is.

What I find particularly awe-inspiring about the fanfiction that I read is that the author manages to convey so much emotion, so much meaning, through the use of just a few choice words. And that’s really what gets me. My brain loves to go blank just when I’m trying to think of what that one word is that describes this-thing-I’m-trying-to-say-here-but-I-can’t-remember-because-my-freaking-brain-is-utterly-useless-in-situations-like-this-dammit! >___<

So yeah. You see? This is why I utterly fail at life. T.T <—this is where you say, “She needs to get her priorities straight!” XD Maybe, yes, I do. But not at the moment, because I don’t have ACPs tomorrow to study for!! :D I can hardly believe it. OMG I just thought of one of those Sherlock meme things and I could make one of those because it would describe my current situation perfectly! Hmm… Let’s see if I can dig up one of those…

Damn. Nope, sorry. Couldn’t find one. Instead I got lost in Tumbland. XD

Ugh. You know what, screw this.

I’m going to rec this also, then just leave by saying: go read all the fics by this author because they are amazing.

A Heart Beats The Best In A Bed Beside The One That It Loves

Dear Rosalia, you don’t know me. But I have discovered you! :D You’ve got real talent. GAH. Lyrical, poetic, beautiful. :3

Aaaaaaaand, here we go again. XD

Reccing this for the poetry. It really is more poetry than fic, and that makes it even more beautiful.

The Perfect Places of Sleep

Brb, reading all the rest by this author. :P

Just to show that I still read fluff.

No worries, the dark side has not completely claimed me yet! :D I still read light, fluffy stuff! And this is fluffy, yet perfect. The narration is simply fantastic.

The(y) Kiss

Only 900 words, and all they do is kiss. But it’s chaste and beautiful and cute and wonderful. Heartwarming. Livens up the mood. I am content. :)))


Can I just keep saying this over and over again?


And the fanfiction! Oh, Lord. Save me! It’s just too good. I have no words. Just recs. :D

The Anatomist. The characterizations. OHMYGAH. I just loved it. I never really thought much about Molly before, but THIS. She’s the same mousy Molly, but she’s NOT. Because she’s Molly Moriarty. *shiver* 4 chapters of delight. I think it’s still a WIP, but not sure. I like where it’s ended now anyhow. Dear me, whoever thought I’d enjoy dark!fic this much… Highly recommended.

I Meet You There, and We Go. I really am a masochist, and this just proves it. Problem? ;) But this fic. And the three that follow! So utterly heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time.

YAY! I have officially become an angst/suspense fanfic reader. Hurrah. I think to celebrate, I shall go find more! >:D Jesus, I feel like Moriarty…

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Oh my.

This stuff is INTENSE. Damn! I’m lovin’ it. :D I proudly present my fanfic recs of the day! (Brought to you by fairyd123_recs, a freaking AWESOME source of Sherlock recs.)

NOTE: I should have said this before, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go watch Sherlock before you try reading any of the fanfic I post up here!! Especially the following recs. I’m warning you, do NOT try to read before you watch Season 1. It will mess with your head and you will not understand ANYTHING and you won’t enjoy it at all. Please. I beg you. GO WATCH SHERLOCK!

NOTE #2: Just for reference, the three episodes of Season 1 in order are A Study in Pink, The Blind Banker, and The Great Game. (That ending was a killer. GAH. Such a cliffie!! And the reason why I like the second rec on the following list is because I know how it really ends, and it’s not anything like any of those, but they are all still SO utterly BELIEVABLE!!!)

These first few are intense, suspenseful and utterly delightful. The type of fanfiction that really makes me feel like I’m literally watching the show, because it’s the same kind of experience.

Monster by moony
In the wake of the events of The Great Game Sherlock turns criminal. Or does he? A gripping, superbly plotted story which keeps you guessing throughout as to Sherlock's true motivations.

Entropy by cj_ludd18
John/Sherlock character death
Five different ways The Great Game could have ended. Lyrical and really strongly written.

Those were two spectacularly written stories. Hot damn! I just wanna cuss, that’s how good they were! :P

Plus, this last rec. I read it last night, and at first, I thought it would be really weird, but I read it anyway. And GOSH, I was NOT disappointed!! Jeez, I do love the characterization of John in it, and the Johnlock bromance/fluff was so beautifully written and the whole idea fits in perfectly with the sequence of events in the episodes of Season 1… Okay, I’m going to shut up now, because I could go on and on. >:D Just go read it.

It Feels Like Home When I'm With You by etothepii



John still gets nightmares about Afghanistan. That's the worst part of it all, he thinks -- he still has dreams about sand and drowning to death in his own blood. But they're more memory than nightmare.


Spoilers for Study in Pink. Written for the Sherlock BBC Kink Meme for this prompt. Ghost!John.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I am such a masochist.

GOD. It’s killing me, but I’m enjoying it. >______<

WHY?! WHY do Sherlock fics have to be so damn angsty and heartbreaking yet beautiful and amazing and GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I hate that I love this so much. GAH. Yet, I must.

Angsty Sherlock fanfiction is angsty. And I’m loving it. >:D

Error 404: File Not Found <— Oh Lord, what a perfect title. And that is really what dragged me into reading this… As well as the angsty plot summary that was really AoTW-angst reminiscent. And, no, I wasn’t disappointed. And yes, I cried. Again. Dear Sherlock fanfic authors: WHY U SO EVIL?!?!?!?! >_< But so BRILLIANT at the same time! GAH. The ending was perfect, though. Subtle and so beautiful because you know exactly what the author’s saying. Pure genius. >.>

The End is a Fraud <—This. Just. Killed. Me. It affected me especially because after watching the TV series on BBC, you just can’t see Sherlock Holmes as anybody else besides the snarky, cold, arrogant, dashing, GQMF by Benedict Cumberbatch. And this story really broke my heart. But it’s too amazing not to read. *sob*

Jesus, save me. Sigh. I think that all the heartbreak that these fics have caused me will now force me to study because I’m just too saddened to read any more. (For now.)

GAH. I’m such an onion jammer. >_<

In exactly five minutes, the second episode of Sherlock Season 2 will be on BBC. In all it’s shining, just-under-two-hours glory. And I won’t be watching it. >.> Instead, I’ll be sitting here, torturing myself with Sherlock fanfiction and studying for ACPs simultaneously. (YES, I am doing both!)

Although I’m not really minding too much right now, because I’m reading the cutest interfering!Mrs.Hudson Sherlock fic right now and it’s wonderful.

The Five Times That Mrs. Hudson Interfered in the Love Life of Dr. John Watson, and the One Time She Didn't

As with all the Sherlock fics that I’ve read so far, I can just see this playing out on the actual show. Which is probably the biggest reason why Sherlock fanfic is better than HP, because almost all HP isn’t DH-compliant. Or any HP book-compliant at all. But pretty much all Sherlock fic is to the show. That is, besides the crackfic and stuff, but that’s all just a bit of harmless fun :P

OMG. It’s 2:10 pm. Right now. ARGHHHHH. The Sherlock theme song is playing in my head right now, LOL!

Anyway. This is my crackfic rec of the day:

Double Rainbow

Come on, almost everyone has to remember that Youtube vid about the double rainbow in the sky right? Well… This is based on that. HEHEHE. It’s so wonderful, especially for this reason:

“What makes this best is the way it starts out totally believable and rapidly descends into wtf!crackfic.” –prosodi: BBC’s Sherlock rec post

Hehehehe, so so so true. And OH GOD, the last line is genius. Sigh… This fandom XD

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I have no self-control. Jesus, save me. Because you will have to, because of all the things I’m doing in my life, because I will never make it to heaven at this rate.

But I just can’t resist. It’s breaking me. Every time. –________-

URGH. Why is Sherlock fanfiction so. Damn. BEAUTIFUL AND HEARTBREAKING AND LOVELY at the same time?!?!?! It’s seriously KILLING MEEEEEEE.

But I can’t resist. There’s an entire TUMBLR devoted to the best Sherlock fanfiction EVAH. Oh Lord.

Why did I have to become obsessed with Sherlock right before ACPs?


And it is so much better than Harry Potter fanfiction. Ugh, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back to that crap again…

And yet again, I say: This man has raised my expectations to unreachable heights. Sigh. Oh Sherlock. I’m dying. AoTW… </3

ANYWAY. I MUST do this NOW or else I’ll NEVER go back to studying and I’ll just say “Screw this” and I’ll go off to read more fanfiction.


Ya know what? I won’t even describe them to you. Just link to this Tumblr and look for these and read the descriptions and then read the fanfiction and then be amazed. >:D

SherlockFics, quite possibly the best collection of Sherlock fanfic ever.

And when you do, read these (not necessarily in this order but I did and I’m kinda regretting it cause the last one I read depressed me)…

1. Kid In a Candy Store – You will not be able to resist. I couldn’t. And I’m honestly really glad I read it, because it made me laugh after the post-AoTW depression.

2. His Favorite Four-Letter F-Words – GOD. What to say about this one? Just perfect. And I don’t care if you don’t ship Sherlock/Watson. Neither do I. GO READ THE DAMN THING. –_-'

Regrettably, these are the only two I’ve read so far. :’( But I am DEFINITELY going back to that site because it’s so awesome. GAH.

Tumblr <3 Sherlock <3 Fanfiction <3

^ Story of my life.

Friday, January 6, 2012

I’m crying. And it feels like my heart’s broken.

This is the first fanfiction that has ever made me cry. And surprise surprise, it’s not Harry Potter.

Alone On the Water, a Sherlock fanfic

GOD. I am DYING here! I honestly felt like I was watching an episode of Sherlock where this was happening. >____<

I have NEVER read ANYTHING this angsty before. Dear author, you are so ridiculously talented. Jesus Christ, my eyes are still wet… >.>'

Happy Birthday Sherlock! :D

YAY! It’s Sherlock Holmes’s birthday today! <3 And no, not Sherlock as in Benedict Cumberbatch, but Sherlock as in Sherlock Holmes, the original character. :P Just making a clear distinction there.

But of course, I can’t say Sherlock without thinking of Benedict Cumberbatch and BBC… ;) So here is my Sherlockian post of the day!

I seriously love the bromance between Sherlock and Watson. And NO I really don’t think they’re gay (but that doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s funny!), but it’s just so cute to watch the interactions between the two on Sherlock. Benedict and Martin are amazing. And I just can’t. ASDFGHJKL!! <3 <3 <3

But on the other hand… I want this t-shirt so freaking badly. WANT. COVET. DESIRE. PLEEEEEAASEEE!

I Am Sherlocked

I can has? For my birthday?? I will love you forever and ever if you do!!!! :))))

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh God.

I’ve overdosed on Tumblr.

Seriously, I feel like I was high the entire time and now I’ve crashed. There goes WHAP. –____-

But OHMYGAH it was the most amazing thing EVAR >:D I loooooveeee Sherlock sooo much. GAH. It kills me inside, yet it makes me so happy. So happy I could die? But then I wouldn’t be able to watch Season Two… >_< And it’s killing me that everyone’s watched it and I'm just sitting here reading everything on ASIB and it makes me wanna watch it even MOREEEEEE @.@

GAHHHHH. But he makes me so happy. Sherlock makes me happy. :))))

My life has found new meaning. XD

I actually look forward to Fast Track everyday now because of it!! Can you believe it?!

Mr. Cumberbatch, you HAVEEEEEEEEE to return!!! >______< Yeah, even though I found out about what’s gonna happen at the end of Episode 3. But ya really think any Sherlockians give a damn about that?

Sigh. I will join the rest in waiting 3 years for the next season.

Until then… I have your sexy face eyes purple shirt presence gracing my screen everyday. What more could I ask for? ;)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Oh, lovely computer science retest…

Although I actually think I should be saying “hately computer science retests,” shouldn’t I? Because I don’t “love” it, I “hate” it! XD Okay, ignore me. I’m just venting because I really don’t wanna take this damn retest, even though he’s not going to decrease our scores. Haha, not much motivation there either. Blegh.

But what cheers me up is thinking about Sherlock Holmes. XD Specifically Benedict Cumberbatch (wtf is up with that name?!) as Sherlock Holmes in BBC’s modern adaptation called Sherlock. AHHHHH, it makes me so happy! :)))) I absolutely adoreeeeeeeeee him and I think he makes such a freaking fabulous Sherlock. Dear Mr. Cumberbatch: Thanks for changing my mental image of Sherlock Holmes from some old dude with a moustache to a very Severus-Snapeish and sexy character. >:D

But all girlish fantasies aside, he is seriously fantastic. GAH. It’s really crazy, but as I kept watching Season One, he reminded me more and more of Severus Snape. :P No surprise there, right? Well, actually, I swear it has nothing to do with the fanfictions I’ve read (I haven’t read any in sooooo long!). Okay, well maybe a little… But not entirely! >:P But just EVERYTHING about him – the way he went about solving the cases, the disparaging hilarious manner in which he insulted other people’s intellectual capabilities… XD Oh, the list goes on and on. Seriously, THEY EVEN LOOK ALIKE!!! Jesus Christ, it’s just ridiculous. I was going insane.

LOLOLOLOL I just took a break to  Google “Benedict Cumberbatch looks like Severus Snape.” And I told myself, “Lol watch like, NOTHING turn up!”

Well, guess what? I was partially right, because there was nothing comparing the two on (which I expected) but I DID find this EPIC comparison of Benedict Cumberbatch to a Lolcat which I found ridiculously funny.

Cat Looks Like Sherlock

The funniest thing about this is that I remember seeing his expression like that in one of the episodes I watched. XD

BUUUUUT, I ALSO did find THIS, written by somebody who I totally agree with.

YES! YES! YES! Benedict Cumberbatch would so DEFINITELY make a fantastic young Severus Snape! Yes, he looks like Alan Rickman and YES he has the same sexy voice! >_> No, dear blogger, you are most certainly NOT alone, because I wholeheartedly agree with you!! :D

Oh Lord, save me. I can’t wait till May. Freaking May. WHY IS IT TAKING THEM SO LOOOOOOONG TO PUT IT ON PBS?!?!?!?!?!?! Urghhhh. Frustrated Aishwarya is frustrated. >_<

Although… I could always watch it online… >:DDDD But obviously, I’m not the type to do that kind of thing. I would prefer to curl up with a fuzzy woolen blanket on the sofa in the living room and enjoy every moment of it on TV, rather than have to furtively look around every few minutes and make sure my parents aren’t coming upstairs and hurriedly close the tab. T.T What kind of fun would that be?! (And if my parents are reading this, now you know I’d never do that. That should certainly be encouraging! Right?) If I did do it, I’d probably miss every witty thing Sherlock would say. And that’s one thing I most DEFINITELY don’t wanna miss! >:D

Gosh. I love Sherlock. So freaking much. Hehe. SHEEEERRRRLOOOOCCCKKK! <3

Oh CRAP. World history! TEST! FRIDAYYYY! Damn. I kind of forgot LOL, thanks Mom! >.< NOT. I don’t even remember what the crap the chapter was about… –_-

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

OMG! Two posts in a day?!?!

I know right? Well, I just finished re-reading Kitten by Seom. Heh, a wonderfully fluffy HGSS. Certainly. I liked where it ended, and (of course!) I wanted more HGSS FLUFF(!!!) but I don’t like the sequel at all. Two chapters and what I really don’t like about it is that she made it an M-rated fic!! –___- What I really liked about the original is that it was cutesy fluff and that was enough to make me happy!! :P (Haha, you’re probably wondering why that shouldn’t normally be enough to make me happy… Cough…)

Anyway. I really don’t want to finish the Iliad. I’m really not even feeling like Sparknoting it! So, I think I’ll just keep doing my lovely math packet. XD

Heh.. Back to my old ways :p

Old ways being blogging while doing hw. Heh. Although I think it’s excusable tonight, because it’s not like I have much to do anyway. A couple math packets which we already have the answers to (and it’s not even due tomorrow! :D Sometimes, I seriously love Fast Track) and I should also probably finish (like LEGIT FINISH) the Iliad. Haha, that’s totally going to happen. >:P But you know what, I probably will. After I blog. XD

No, I don’t think I have enough time to blog about the things I’ve actually been meaning to blog about (ahem..) but I am just so exasperated and confuzzled. About singing. ><

WHOA! Why is that happening?! I mean, this is like, AISHWARYA we’re talking about! The like, super amazing choir person! Right? :P Haha, so maybe that isn’t exactly what you were thinking. Whateves. I’ll pretend it was. (My dad got mad at a lady on NPR for saying “Yup, you guessed it –” on Marketplace, and he was like, “You know what? I didn’t even guess!” LOL)

But you see, the problem is my solo. Not the actual solo itself, but me practicing it and having it memorized for next week. >_< Yea, not happening. But actually, I’m just exaggerating, like I ALWAYS do. Just ask everyone who knows me; I’m always like “OMG I’m gonna FAIL this TEST!” And then I get a 100. And everyone’s always like, “OMG SHUT YOUR FACE AISHWARYA IT’S NOT OUR FAULT WE’RE NOT AS SMART AS YOU.” :P

The solo isn’t hard. It’s actually like super easy. Almost as easy as Danny Boy was last year, but it’s a bit harder because I actually was familiar with Danny Boy before I got it as a solo. But still. I’m only having problems with a couple spots, and I just have to listen to the recording a million more times on my iPod to get that too. (Sooo, yeah, I probably should stop getting new songs right now…)

So no, the solo really isn’t an issue. The thing is, I want to try out for the Talent Show this year. No biggie right? Well, last year I sang too, (Heheh I sang a Ke$ha song :P) and they didn’t accept me. (Whatever, I expected that. I sounded horrible. I didn’t even like that song that much!) But this year, I want to sing Set Fire to the Rain by Adele. (OMGGGGG I seriously love this song so much. And it’s funny, because I never thought I would like Adele’s music. But then again, I never thought I’d ever get into rap. >:D) The problem is, I’m not sure I’ll sound “good enough.” The enthusiastic-singer in me is like, “Aishwarya. JUST SING YOUR FREAKING HEART OUT, seriously. Doesn’t matter if you don’t sound like Adele, just SING!” But the other part of me is like, “Ya know what? I don’t even think it’s worth it to try!” UGH, it’s just killing me inside. I’m still wrestling with myself, and I kinda need to decide soon. Like by next week. Same time as my UIL solo. –________-