Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Progress of Sherlock Holmes by ivyblossom - Review

I am proud to say that I have finally gotten around to reading TPOSH. And I enjoyed it very much. Before reading, I decided to look at what people said about it on Tumblr, and I saw a lot of things about how it was in first person. That kind of dissuaded me from reading it, because first-person can go in the wrong direction really quickly, especially with Sherlock fanfic. Authors often try to do justice to Sherlock's thought processes, but ultimately fail because he becomes totally OOC. John's perspective, on the other hand, is easier, but also fails because authors make him like any other human being - and that ruins everything. So, I wasn't too thrilled to read it, TBH. But everyone who's read it has raved about it, and it is a fandom classic, so I decided to go ahead.
What I really liked about the fic is how unique it is - for two reasons. First, Sherlock's first-person POV is one of the biggest successes in this fic, and that's what really contributes to its position as a classic. Not only are Sherlock's thought processes well-represented in text here, but he is also more human, more accessible, than in other fics.
Second, the entire plot is far more intricate than the summary suggests. It's quite a pleasant surprise to read fics which not only analyze the relationship between John and Sherlock in detail, but also manage to incorporate a fantastically twisted plot - along with a Mary Morstan.
I could go on and on about Mary Morstan here, but let me just say this - I absolutely loved this author's portrayal of Mary. Often, Mary is just a faceless character used to get in the way of Sherlock and John's relationship, or used to help them realize their feelings for each other. (Blegh. Horrible.) But this Mary manages to do just that, while developing into her very own character with personality and such. She really is central to the plot, too. I will say, at first I was a bit wary of this fic because of the Mary - I generally do my best to avoid fics involving Mary Morstan, but I made an exception for TPOSH. And I'm glad I did, too.
Bottom line: It's not called a fandom classic for nothing! Definitely worth multiple re-reads, this one.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waking You Up by brbsoulnomming - Review

Reading this fic gave me the chills. It's rather reminiscent of Inception, with the whole repeatedly waking up with the "kick," and the whole dream-in-a-dream situation. All of these fics which have to do with deja vu, and time repeating itself... they all make me shiver. In a good way, of course.
This fic also reminded me of The Science of Circumvention, another cleverly written fic with a good ol' plot twist at the end. I really do love plot twists and deja vu, don't I? Christ. But they are really well written, I can't help it! And this is no exception.
It starts out gen, but it quickly evolves into angst and dark!fic. Shiver. I love all that dark fic goodness.
I swear to God, I never want to hear the words "wake up" said to me again.
Bottom line: READ and revel in the DARK!FIC!

The Prize by trillsabells - Review

Let me just start off by saying how much I love fanfiction. I read it on my phone ALL THE TIME. My friends all know me now because of it. If they see me scrolling away on my phone at lunch or after school or on the bus, they automatically know I'm reading fanfic. I'm even so addicted that I've gotten to reading it at night in bed when I'm not tired enough to sleep until what I'm reading doesn't register in my brain - that's when I know it's time to really go to sleep.
I also love AU fics. And gen fics. Like I've said before, though, my phone is - forgive me, but it is - retarded. The damn thing never lets me finish reading a fic! There are countless stories which I've not been able to read till the end because of that stupid thing called WebGuard which pops up at the most random times. Like, it's not even "guarding" anything. It's not at all useful; it's really a nuisance.
But by some miracle, I was able to read all 17 chapters of this fic. And I did it all in a night, too, somehow. So, yes, it is fast-paced, suspenseful, action-packed, all the good things a true Sherlock gen fic has.
The Prize is the first post-apocalyptic fic I've read. I was pleasantly surprised by how perfectly everything was pieced together. It definitely could become a part of the show, if Mofftiss decided to do it - which, obviously, they wouldn't... cough cough. I was able to predict a couple of things - spoiler alert! Seb's duplicity spoiler alert! Harry didn't survive, but those were rather trivial things compared to the BAMFness of the plot.
I do have one complaint about the plot, though. The slash/romance between Sherlock and John seemed rather forced, and the fic would have been just as good without it. The "plot twist/reveal" thing at the very end did - sort of - relieve my feelings, but I still felt like the ending was focused too much on how their relationship could progress from there, and less on the gen part.
But whatever. That's the only criticism of the fic I have. I suppose all good fics have some flaws. This has been added to my must-read Sherlock fics list because the overall BAMFness and fantastic AU uni caused me to really enjoy this fic.
Bottom line: Read!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kristin Cashore! :)

:D It makes me so happy to see her thoughts on Sherlock! <3 I just want to squeeeee. I'm so freaking excited for season 2! GAH. Freaking May.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


omfg not even kidding. GO WATCH IT NOW. As if I didn’t need any more convincing that Moves Like Jagger really is a perfect Sherlock song…

Moves Like Jagger – Sherlock

the scenes. match the music. PERFECTLY. I especially loved sherlock’s moves like jagger. He really does have them. ;)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

All the Sherlock Ships I've Shipped

Thanks to tumblr, I've realized that it's actually not impossible to ship everything and everyone in Sherlock. Ha.

  • Sherlock/John - Well, duh. OTP!
  • Sherlock/Moriarty - They seriously are perfect for each other, as illustrated by TRF.
  • Sherlock/Mycroft - Cough, yes, this is incest, but just watch the scene at Buckingham Palace in ASiB, and you'll know what I mean.
  • John/Lestrade - Hehehe, I must admit that this just might be becoming my secret ship. Don't worry, I've only read one so far. But one tumblr post yesterday illustrated this ship so perfectly. If only tumblr weren't blocked at school, I could find it... (GAH, y u block tumblr stupid ppl!?!) But basically, it's in s2, and John and Lestrade are on a first-name basis, and Sherlock's like, "WTF?"
  • Molly/Moriarty - Clearly, it's illustrated in TGG. But I think reading AU fics has helped this along. cough The Anatomist cough
  • Sherlock/Molly - Again, a tumblr post illustrated this, but I also found it while browsing Sherlock quotes. Read it and tell me how this is not illustrating this ship. (Sherlock Holmes: If I wasn't everything you think I am, everything that I think I am...would you still want to help me? Molly Hooper: What do you need? Sherlock Holmes: You.)
  • Sherlock/Irene - Oh, come on. I really don't need to spell this one out for you, do I?
  • John/Moriarty - Ok, I know it sounds weird. But read this, and you'll know why. I'm really open to any pairing, especially if there's a really well-written fanfic shipping them. http://eckax.livejournal.com/2715.html

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I must say...

Thanks to cathedral_carver, I've returned to the Harry Potter fandom. HGSS only, though. I think I'm sick of Dramione. Ugh, I seriously think I got way too obsessed with it, because I just can't STAND Draco and Hermione. Ew, just the thought... Bah. At least I can tolerate Grape! And cathedral_carver's fanfics are well-written, too. So that makes the return to HPFF much more tolerable. ;) I read all of the Sherlock fics, so I decided to try the HP ones too. I've read two so far, and I just finished Horribly Happy. Jeez, talk about creepy! Rather reminiscent of Corpse Bride and Coraline. But really good stuff too. I like the twist - at the beginning, I thought Hermione actually was immortal - so she could never die. But it got a whole lot darker and disturbing. But it's a good fic.
