Sunday, December 11, 2011


I don’t know why, but I’m feeling pretty sluggish right now. I’ve been working all day up here in my study room, and I honestly haven’t gotten much done. >< Well, actually, no. I have! But I still have a lot left… –.- I don’t wanna write a freaking essay!! I don’t even think we need to, but OBVIOUSLY my mom won’t accept that. So here I am, trying to organize my thoughts and write the darn essay. –_____- I guess it’s better to do it though, because everyone else is doing it. So might as well.

But what if we didn’t have to?  ._.

Argh! All I wanna do is go to sleep. Curl up and read a book. I still have 3 of them downstairs, and they’re calling to me. Anything other than this crap. >_<

But on the other hand…

BITTERBLUE IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!! :DDDDDD Well, not really. It’s not out yet, but IT’S FINALLY COMING OUT!!!

Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

GAH, the cover is so damn gorgeous! And urgh, I am so so so so so so SO freaking relieved. I mean, finally! I’ve been stalking Kristin Cashore on her blog for over a year, waiting for news about it! And then today, I’m just browsing a list of books coming out in 2012 on Goodreads, and then what do I see??

Well folks, there’s another book that I’m dying to read that I can’t get my hands on yet. The list already has The Son of Neptune and Inheritance on it. Although, about that one… I read the first page. Lol. But I was soooooo jealous when I saw HIM reading it! I was like, “Dammit, you better gimme that book NOW!”
Obviously, that didn’t happen. Anyways…

May 2012 just can’t come soon enough. But I’ll be a-waiting! :)))))

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reminiscing about Dramione <3


Lately, I’ve been thinking about some of the really good Dramiones I read. And I mean, REALLY good. They’re well-written, have a great plot, and a slow-building romance. THAT’s the most important thing – you can’t rush the romance! Ever! It’s what constitutes the difference between a good Dramione and a GREAT Dramione. Some of the best out there have all these qualities.

I’ve also been needing a break from HGSS. I think I read too much of that yesterday… Plus, I think Sugar Quills has really affected me… >< Don’t get me wrong, it was REALLY WELL-WRITTEN, but too dark and creepy. Which was the point of course. But Dark!Snape is siriusly scary. *shiver*

So, I am falling back on my OTP to bring me back to life. :D Here are some of the best which come to mind when I think of Dramione:

1. We’ll Always Have Paris. I just remembered about this one yesterday, because I was thinking about that one scene and I was like, “OMG what story was that?!?!” I’m gonna start with this one. And you should too.

2. A Series of Unfortunate Events. This one I read recently on by Geeky-DMHG-Fan. It is absolutely wonderful, and is like the ideal Dramione.

3. Grey Tuesdays. Gosh, what to say about this? It’s on Livejournal by floorcoaster, and it’s fantastic. (LOL no pun intended ;P) The imagery is just so strong, and that exotic setting lends to the plot and the interactions between Draco and Hermione even more. GAH, it’s gorgeous! After reading it, I wanted to go there so badly. And I still do.

Unfortunately, I must say that being a Dramione fan, I still haven’t read The Dragon’s Bride by Rizzle. And I’ve heard SO MUCH about it. It’s EVERYWHERE! I guess it’s like one of the classics now. And I also have not gotten the chance to read We Learned the Sea. I think I should just go into the story without reading the summary, because frankly, that’s what’s been holding me back. Although I don’t know why. And I started reading The Dragon’s Bride like, a year ago, and I stopped because I didn’t like it. (FAIL! I didn’t even get past the first chapter. Same with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when I was like, 8 years old.) I will definitely give it another go. Soon. I promise.

But now, to re-spark my interest! *goes off to We’ll Always Have Paris*

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Thoughts and Feelings About What Happened Just Now

Right now, I’m sure that almost everyone I know has an Apple product. My family has two; the iPod and iPad. My iPod is simply awesome. Even if it is the 1st generation dinosaur that doesn’t even fit in my pocket. So what? It has 60 GB. Yup, you heard me. I probably haven’t even used up a tenth of it. I have a lot of good memories with this iPod, and I love it. It’s so useful for travel! Actually, I even just used it less than three hours ago. LOL. Basically, it’s a freaking awesome device.

Then, there’s the iPad 2. Which is also really cool. One of the big things that Apple got down perfectly on this thing is the super-fast Internet experience. It is seriously fast. I’ve got to give them that. And then, who doesn’t love the games? Two words: Angry Birds. Nuff said. Well, maybe not nuff, ‘cause then there’s Fruit Ninja and Ninjump and that game with the flying penguin thingy with a polar bear chasing it whose name I can’t remember… So you see.

Contrary to all of the above, though, in truth, I’m not an Apple fan. Firstly, I love PCs wayyyyy more than Macs. I am a BIG PC person. Secondly, Apple’s been losing my support recently because although they do have some great stuff on the things they make, they have GOT to fix some of the problems. First of all, the Flash on iPad. GET FLASH FOR IPAD!!! Really!!! That’s a BIG thing that ticks me off about it. There’s more too, but I’m not posting this solely to bash Apple. So, now that my mom is considering an iPhone 4S, I’m really not too happy about it. (She kinda has to though, it’s work stuff.)

Clearly, you can see I’ve been upset with Apple products lately. Don’t get me wrong, I love them… sometimes. That is, certain things. Then the others really get me pissed off. But anyway. Moving on!

When I found out less than an hour ago that Steve Jobs had died, I didn’t know what to think. When we turned to CNN, I learned a whole lot more about this guy, the former CEO of Apple. In short, they are as follows:

1. Steve Jobs had really bad pancreatic cancer. Which is the cause of his death. I didn’t realize he had Stage 4 cancer… I actually didn’t even know he had cancer! When I thought of him, I pictured a young, healthy guy promoting the iPhone and iPad. Or, at least, I thought he was similar to Bill Gates. He was only 56 years old, though! To die of cancer that young is sad. Really sad. Sorry.

2. He was smart. No, really, he was a brilliant dude. I watched some footage of him promoting the iPod Nano, and he did it really well. (You know the tiny pocket inside the bigger one on jeans and stuff? Well, the function of that is to hold a Nano. Yup. Pretty smart.)

I just want to express how I feel now. I feel incredibly sad that the world just lost a guy like Steve Jobs. I feel sympathy for his wife, family and others who knew him a whole lot better than I did. I feel bad about the fact that I’d been hating on Apple these past weeks, not knowing anything.

Now the question is, what will Apple do?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ooh, Windows 7 is fancy stuff!


Ok, seriously. I always learn new things about the things my gorgeous HP Touchsmart 600 can do. And now, I just discovered a little thing called Windows Live Writer, which is basically a blogging software! And it connects to a lot of blogging sites. Including Blogger. So now I don’t have to use the Internet to blog… Which is so freaking cool. Really, I never even knew it existed! I actually found it on accident. Lol, just like all the great inventions of the world… :D

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Dramione and Born This Way Day!!

Wow, it has been quite a while! Sorry, but it's because I have a new-found obsession with Tumblr. Because OMGOMGOMGOMG Draco and Hermione are on Tumblr!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Which leads me to...
Happy Dramione Day, everyone! Yup, May 23rd is the official Dramione Day. Yay for forbidden love! <3
And, I could not believe my luck when I read this on Tumblr. But it is true. WATCH OUT, cuz YOUR EYES ARE GON' POP! xD
Draco Malfoy admitted that he likes Hermione Granger! Squee!!! ::goes off and does a fangirl happy dance::
But that isn't all, folks...
Hermione Granger said that she likes him too!!! AHHHHH!!!! What a happy happy day for Dramione shippers worldwide!! Like ME!!! ::dies of happiness::

On another note, to all you Lil' Monsters out there, happy Born This Way day! :) It came out today, and I didn't even realize it. So, therefore, I haven't heard the album yet, I regret (promise, I will soon!), but my favorite songs are Judas and The Edge of Glory. Sax = so random on that one, but I like it!
I am so incredibly awed by this perfect timing. Dramione Day and Born This Way Day are on the same day. This is no coincidence, folks... This has got to be a sign from God. Am I doing something right, God? :) I sure hope so! ;)
Well, that is all. Short and sweet. Happy Days to everyone, and now I shall leave! ::goes off to moon over more Tom Felton pics and wonder how a sexy man like this can ever exist::

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh, How I Do Love Speech...

Quite honestly, Speech is one of my favorite classes. I'm sure you'll be wondering why, since I'm always grumbling over all those stupid outlines and speeches I've had to give without feeling prepared! ;) Well, it's because of what we did last class.
First of all: YAY!!! IMPROMPTUS ARE BACK! With a vengeance, I might add. Here are my favorite lines from them that day:

Jack's speech - Rebecca Black getting death threats: "If she sits in the back seat, she'll sit on a tack! And if she sits in the front seat, she'll get hit by another car like BOOSH!"
Ian's speech - Reality TV shows: "And Snooki got punched in the face like BOOSH!"

XD LOVE LOVE LOVE that word now. In fact, Ms. Greer had to ban that word from use at all the rest of the class, because everyone would keep cracking up when they said it! Plus, my new phrase is: "What the boosh?!" :D Much more appropriate, you may notice... ;)

That wasn't the half of the fun though. The real fun came afterwards. We played a speech game! Basically, we made a circle, and someone would start a sentence with a word. Then, we would go around the circle, adding words to make a sentence. But here is the catch! Each person afterwards has to repeat all the other words before theirs. It turned out to be quite hilarious! Here are the best sentences we came up with (actually the first and the last ones!):
  • Bloody Mary what the boosh went to a velociraptor party to party all eternity hard while eating cake with pancakes.
You see where I got my WTB from? :P
  • Maliciously, I stabbed unicorns fatally with Rebecca Black yelling at me, "Friday is a day of morbidly obese people!"
Or, if you prefer the alternate version (thanks to Rebecca G. for this one!):
  • "Maliciously, I stabbed Rebecca Black."
xD Sigh, just gotta love speech! Can't wait for tomorrow's class...
And by the way, I FINALLY finished writing (or rather, rewriting) my Judas Dramione parody! I feel very accomplished. Now, to sleep! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

xD xP xD

Today's blog post is related to everything funny. Hence the title.
First: wonderful random quotes from Jack! xP
  1. "I can't write ampersands, so whenever I try to, it looks like I'm having spasms on the paper."
  2. "I like sonic booms. They sound tasty."
Sigh.. Oh Jack, how we do love your randomness. It certainly offers comic relief from the endless number of boring worksheets we do in biology! :)

Second: In speech, we're doing parody speeches for our ACPs. What I have in mind right now is parodying "Judas" by Lady Gaga. I even started writing it out! And guess what I made it into...
It's a Dramione Judas parody! ^.^ Combining my two most favorite things in the world. What could ever be better than that?! <3

Third: On that note of parodies, I've decided to share with you my two favorite parodies EVER. They are both parodying the song "Tik Tok" by - who else? - Ke$ha! This first one is an Indian parody, and I just love it so much. Because it's so true to my life! (well, the grades part, that is ;) ) And plus, who wouldn't love it? It's hilarious!!
Tik Tok Parody - Indian Stereotypes

My second favorite (not in order, that is) is this one by the Key of Awe$ome. They make the best parody music videos out there. I am not kidding! This is the first parody video I ever saw, and I guarantee you will laugh out loud. Definitely :D Watch it and see!!!
Tik Tok Parody - Glitter Puke: Key of Awe$ome

Thursday, May 5, 2011

OMFG HARRY POTTER INSANENESS (yes, I know that is not a word :D)

God, I freaking love Tumblr. Best. Site. Ever. I am addicted to it!
Well, I found this amazing (hmm, I use that word a lot on here) Harry Potter illustration set! By a certain Lucy Knisley (yes, it IS Knisley, not Kinsley). Here is the link to all things Lucy Knisley on Tumblr:

Lucy Knisley Tagged

Heehee. You see, those illustrations are masterpieces. No wonder they're being sold! For money!!
Gosh, I am just in awe. ::sighs happily and goes off to look at more Tumblr awesomenity::

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Squee! I just found the most amazingly cute picture EVER on Tumblr!! (If you haven't been, GO! You could spend a whole day on there. Seriously. It is amazing.)

James Potter's Poem

Sniff sniff! I love it. Poor James, but he did get her in the end! :) I wonder what went through Lily's head when she saw this. Sigh... L/J are so cute. They are really the best for fluffy fanfic. Now, Dramione is a whole other matter... :D

But of course, I can't post this post without posting something about Dramione! :P So here is your daily dose of Dramione. A definition of Draco Malfoy, directly from Urban Dictionary. (Love that place :D)

Draco Malfoy
The most loveable bastard in English literature. Nuff said.
Here's the equation: Draco Malfoy = HOT

Sigh... how can I not agree? Teehee. ::goes off into a reverie about Draco Malfoy's sexiness::

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden is Dead

I'm sure you've heard by now that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Well, you know, the funny thing is, I didn't even know he was still alive till yesterday, when the news got out! :D
Okay, let me explain. What I meant is, I never really paid much attention to Bin Laden and al-Qaida in general. Until I got a text from my friend, I didn't realize that now Bin Laden was killed. Basically what happened was:
  1. She texts me. I think, "Hm, really? I thought it was old news..."
  2. I Google News it on the iPad. I find an article from 2 minutes ago that says "Osama Bin Laden is Dead". I say, "Whoa! What?!"
  3. I call my dad over, and he turns the TV on. And the news is all over every single news channel. CNN, FOX, MSNBC. And all the other ones too.
  4. We sit there for 30 mins waiting for President Obama to make his official statement.
  5. Obama makes his statement. In my opinion, it was a pretty good one too. Clear, concise, and diplomatic. Just the facts, just how they should be. And I found it pretty entertaining too. Idk why. Lolz.
So, yeah. That's pretty much what happened last night. Then today, there is this picture all over the news. It's really intriguing, wondering what is going through these peoples' heads. Especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I mean, look at her face! And then, look at President Obama's expression.
That is pretty scary.
That must have been some pretty intense stuff happening in there.

And, finally, some humor on this situation. I was reading a news article, and I looked through the comments people posted under it. Some genius posted something along the lines of this:

         Donald Trump's reaction to Bin Laden's death: 'Let me see the death certificate in long form.'

Me after reading that: "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I love that comment right there!! If it was on Facebook, and if I had a FB, I would have liked it a bajillion times. Seriously.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Epic Books

What is an epic book, you may ask? What constitutes whether or not a book can be considered "epic?" Well, here is my criteria for epic books:
  1. Epic books are the ones you get lost in. The ones where you turn the last page, look up and realize you've already spent three hours reading it, and you didn't notice because you were in the world of the author's imagination.
  2. Epic books are the ones that stick with you for a while. The ones where the writing, the characters, the plot, the ending(!!)  was so incredible that you can't seem to get it off your mind for an extended period of time.
  3. Epic books are the ones you can read over and over again, without getting bored.
  4. Epic books are (in my case, at least) pretty big. The biggest epic book I've read (I'm reading!) is 619 pages.
  5. Epic books are epic. That's all there is to it.
So, now that you know what I consider to be an epic book, let's look at my (as of now) list of epic books:
  1. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - how can any list be complete without it?
  2. His Dark Materials Trilogy by Phillip Pullman - The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass
  3. Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini - Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance
  4. Inkheart Trilogy by Cornelia Funke - Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath
  5. Seven Kingdoms Trilogy by Kristin Cashore - Graceling, Fire, Bitterblue
  6. Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld - Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras
  7. The Host by Stephenie Meyer - currently reading. Yup, the 619 pg one, and yup, the author of Twilight. But I swear, it is so much better. Not that I read Twilight. But still.
And... that's all I can think of now. Lol. I'll probably read some more epic books, and when I do (not if, when!), I will blog about them again. So keep your eyes peeled! :D

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random Stuff Under a Random Title

Not much for today, but just snippets of random ideas/things I found out recently.
  1. THE FOURTH BOOK IN THE INHERITANCE CYCLE IS FINALLY HERE!!! Well. Not really. It's actually going to be published November 8th, 2011. But at least it FINALLY has a publish date! AND it even came with a finalized title AND a gorgeous cover!!! AAHH!!!!! See it all here. Lol, now the only thing is I have to go back and read all of the previous ones, because I totally forgot what happened. Teehee :D
  2. Apparently, Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet were voted "Most Romantic Couple On-Screen"... only 5 days ago! Wow. They even beat really famous couples like the ones from "Gone With the Wind" and "Casablanca." Isn't that amazing?! It's like my dream come true... sob!
  3. "Judas" has FINALLY BEEN RELEASED!! YAY for Lady Gaga! I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me... ;) Hehehe jk. I <3 you and your new album though!
  4. Impromptu speeches rock. Random, but true. Very very true. The only disappointment is that we're going to go back to daily minutes now... Today was our last day of impromptus. Sigh. It was fun while it lasted though. Maybe we'll do them again soon...? Please Miss Greer? :)
  5. I cannot sleep at 10 pm anymore. I have to stay up until at least 11 pm for me to actually get a good sleep. But then I don't feel like getting out of bed every morning... Sigh. I think my dreams are also a part of why. :P But anyways, it is 10:59 pm, so might as well get ready for bed now...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cool Things!

OMG! I found the most amazing thing ever, from my fave author (Kristin Cashore)'s blog. It is SO COOL.
Click on squares, and make music! I absolutely adore it. It's almost too addicting! :D

AND! I read the most hilarious HGSS one-shot fanfiction ever. It is just too cute. Read it! Even if Hermione/Severus activates your gag reflex... ;) Teehee. And after, read the other ones she wrote about Hermione and Severus' too cute daughter! <3
Like Father, Like Daughter

Have fun! :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bcuz I Feel Lik Txting.. Yea. Randomness. Embrace It.

Oh wow! It's been so loooong since I've been here. Almost 3 weeks! Spring break really got me out of my normal blogging routine (that is, add new posts while pretending to work on homework ;) ), so I haven't gotten any chance to blog.
Anyway, to the point! I'm blogging because Mr. Freakin Opoku didn't give me my geometry homework! Isn't that crazy?! So now, like always (haha jk.. or not!), I have to do it in the morning, and usually since my bus gets there like a minute before the bell for class rings, I'll have to do it all at lunch. Ugh! So I don't have any homework tonight. Woohoo! Now I can slack off more than ever! ;)

Guess what! I watched "The King's Speech" on spring break!! And I loved it. It was really great, and I certainly think it deserved all the Oscars it got. Great job Colin Firth! You were amazing! :) But honestly, I don't think it needed to be rated R. For swearing too! I mean, really?! Like the man in line behind us at the movie ticket counter, "Your daughter surely has heard worse than what they say in the movie!" My parents were like, "Uhhh..." And me? I was (internally) cracking up. Like, "BAHAHAHAHAHA! That's so true!!!" The swearing scene itself? Not that bad. Not bad at all! I mean, he said a lot of the "popular" swear words, and then he said something inappropriate. But I thought the whole thing was hilarious! And apparently, so did everybody else in the theater.
Except for, of course, my parents.  -.-
Anyway, I don't think it deserves to be rated R. That scene is really not bad. And I think that rating that movie R would turn a lot of people away from seeing it, because they'd be like "Woah! It's rated R!! That must be one BAD movie then! That's it. I'm not gonna watch it." Which is totally wrong!!! There are so many other movies wayyy worse than it that are rated PG or PG-13, when they should be rated R. But whatever, can't change that... At least I got to see it! :D

And now, for the "Random Lyric of the Day:"
If I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me? -Britney Spears, "Hold It Against Me", Femme Fatale

Bahaha. That's so not random, I've been singing that for the past two weeks! Just ask my TAG-IT buds. Right Ceci? ;)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Born This Way

Wow.. I absolutely LOVE Lady Gaga's new album single, Born This Way!!! I just heard it today for the first time, and now it's stuck in my head! But I like it :) A lot. It's so inspiring! Even more so than Firework by Katy Perry. It's definitely the new anthem (sorry Ke$ha :P). Here are the lyrics:

It doesn't matter if you love him,
Or capital H-I-M
Just put your paws up
'cause you were born this way, baby

[Verse 1]
My mama told me when I was young
We are all born superstars

She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on
In the glass of her boudoir

"there's nothin wrong with lovin who you are"
She said, "'cause he made you perfect, babe"

"So hold your head up girl and you'll go far,
Listen to me when I say"

I'm beautiful in my way
'cause god makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Ooo there ain't no other way
Baby I was born this way
Baby I was born this way
Ooo there ain't no other way
Baby I was born-
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Don't be a drag - just be a queen
Don't be a drag - just be a queen
Don't be a drag - just be a queen
Don't be!

Give yourself prudence
And love your friends
Subway kid, rejoice your truth

In the religion of the insecure
I must be myself, respect my youth

A different lover is not a sin
Believe capital h-i-m (hey hey hey)
I love my life I love this record and
Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)

I'm beautiful in my way
'cause god makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Ooo there ain't no other way
Baby I was born this way
Baby I was born this way
Ooo there ain't no other way
Baby I was born-
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Don't be a drag, just be a queen
Whether you're broke or evergreen
You're black, white, beige, chola descent
You're lebanese, you're orient
Whether life's disabilities
Left you outcast, bullied, or teased
Rejoice and love yourself today
'cause baby you were born this way

No matter gay, straight, or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life
I'm on the right track baby
I was born to survive
No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made
I'm on the right track baby
I was born to be brave

I'm beautiful in my way
'cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way

Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way
I was born this way hey!
I was born this way hey!
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way hey!

I was born this way hey!
I was born this way hey!
I'm on the right track baby
I was born this way hey!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The 83rd Annual Academy Awards

So, if you're like me, you're really into awards. Especially for movies and music and such. Which is WHY I was so pissed off that I couldn't watch the Grammys!! >.< But that's okay, I compromised today by watching the Oscars! :) Yay!! Here are my faves that won:
  1. Inception (OMG amazing movie, won for Visual Effects)
  2. The King's Speech (apparently really good... I didn't watch it LOL but it won 4 Oscars, including Best Movie of the Year.. I wanna watch it now! ;) )
  3. Black Swan (Wow I really want to watch this one!! Natalie Portman won for Best Actress in a Leading Role, and she deserved it)
  4. Toy Story 3 (All I can say is: AWWWWW!!! <3)
I was so excited! Then, of course, The Social Network went ahead and won like 3 or 4 Oscars, which is pretty insaneee... But who doesn't love Facebook? :) Probably why that movie was so popular! Just wow though.. I loved the Oscars! :D What did ya'll think?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


One thing you should know about me:


I swear, it is the most amazing thing in the world. Especially Harry Potter fanfiction :) But me, I prefer the non-canon couples, the ones that aren't typical ones like Harry/Ginny or Hermione/Ron (because of fanfiction, I now officially hate that pairing! Ron SO doesn't deserve her, he's too stupid :P). My faves:

  1. Dramione (Draco/Hermione fo-evahh! <3)
  2. Severus/Hermione (not as much, but sometimes if I find a really good story)
  3. Hermione/Remus
  4. Lily/James (come on, gotta <3 the Marauders! They're sooo funny)
So, yeah. Pretty much. Well, I bet you're wondering about the title. Well, (drumroll!!)
I found a really good Hermione/Severus fanfic called "Kitten." It's really cute and fluffy, just what I like to see in fanfiction! :D Here is the link:

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Just so ya know, I'll be posting A TON of fanfic on here. Because that's just how enormous my love for fanfiction is <3 :* <3

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Crazy Beautiful Life

Here are the ever-inspiring lyrics from "Crazy Beautiful Life" by the ever-so-popular Ke$ha :)

I'm in love alri-i-i-ight, with my crazy beautiful life.
With the parties, the disasters,

With my friends all pretty and plastered.
Every night we're down to go out,
Waking up on a different couch.
'Til the next night, on the next flight.
Yeah, I guess we're doing alright.

Oh oh oh
We're falling in love
Oh oh oh
'Til the suns comin' up.
Oh oh oh
Just livin' a life
Oh oh oh

Every single night we fight,
To get a little high on life,
To get a little something right, something real,
At-least we try!

Time after time,
Try dodging all the douche bags guys,
Try trading all the wasted times
For something real, in this crazy life.

Isn't it beautiful? (sniff sniff) Summarizes my life entirely :P Jk lolz

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My First Blog Evah! :D

Hey ya'll! :) Welcome to my life, which is an amazing, crazy, wild, insane place. Hope you enjoy the ride!
Well, high school kinda sucks. So does my life. Sometimes. But today, it really does. I have soooo much effing work to do! And it's all due by the end of THIS WEEK. Isn't tht insane?!
Well, speaking of work... That's kinda what I'm supposed to be doing right now. Lolzz.. But I'm just "taking a break." Yes, "just" a break. Like, an hour long break :P
Sooo, anyways. About this blog:
  1. It's gonna be crazy and beautiful. Just like my life, just like Ke$ha. <3
  2. I won't be posting very often... So don't be too disappointed. It's actually mainly just a place for me to type out my thoughts because I hate writing them down in a diary. I've tried that, honestly, like at least 10 times, and I still have a lot of them left... So ya. I like typing too. It's SO much faster and easier! And the other reason for this blog's existence: I can't have a Facebook :(
  3. I <3 blogging already! :D Ok that was random...
So ya! Have fun reading about my crazy beautiful life! =)