- Fast track. Biggest thing. My teacher reminds me of Sherlock and John simultaneously. He even remotely looks like Benedict Cumberbatch. (Remotely. *ahem*) See my tumblr posts for more on this. (At least five things have happened here that are Sherlock-reminiscent!)
- Obviously, all the songs on my iPod that previously were just good songs, now somehow relate to Sherlock. It's actually getting kinda annoying. But I REGRET NOTHING.
- Yesterday, I was going downstairs and my left leg randomly started acting up, so I was limping. I felt like John for all of maybe ten minutes, what with a limp that I imagined was psychosomatic. Well, after dinner, it went away. All the lulz.
- I was telling my mom to hurry up and finish vacuuming. She said, "I don't want to rush!" In my mind, I did my best Moriarty imitation: "No rush."
- COUGH fast track COUGH COUGH salmon colored shirt COUGH
- I just found another Sherlockian in my grade OMFG. And she's the same one who's also obsessed with Harry Potter. We are soul sisters, OMG <3
- One of my classmates watched the pilot, and she said it was quite good! >:D Step one of converting all my friends to Sherlockians complete. ;D
- At dinner, my dad was able to name all the things my mom did to the food, and he turned to me and said, "That's called investigation." I replied, "That's hardly investigation, you're not Sherlock!" And he said, "No, I'm Murlock." (His name is Murali, so Murlock... Idek. It was funny.)
- OMG I just met this Indian girl at the temple who's a Sherlockian too!!! :DDD I love finding all these Sherlockians. It just makes me soo happy.
- On two different occasions, my teacher and my father have said, "Not my division."
- Today, my friend was trying to act all gangster, and she pointed a gun in my back, saying, "And you're my..." I immediately interjected, "HOSTAGE!" And she's like, "Yes, that works. Hostage..." XD The funniest thing is, she didn't even get the reference, but she spoke the exact dialogue! ^^
- My dad asked me, "If ice cream is bad, then why do you eat it?" And I said, "Because. That's what people do." And then I choked violently on the water I was drinking, because then I realized it was Moriarty. I swear, he's going to be the death of me.
There's so many more, and I'm sure this list will continue to grow. -.-'