Sherlock Fanfic Recs

Welcome, fellow Sherlockian! :D Here lie my Sherlock recs. They will be listed under the following headings:

Fanfic of the Moment - the fanfic that I'm currently reading/fangirling about.

All-Time Best Fanfics - these fanfics are the ones which have stuck with me for days, weeks, and months after reading. These are MUST READS. If you can't read all of the stuff I rec, at least read these. Seriously.

Sherlock Authors - a list of authors who have written multiple fics, all of which I have thoroughly enjoyed. This list makes it easier, because I can just direct you to the author rather than reccing every single fic written by him/her (altho idk if any of them are hims... XD). It's easier for you and for me that way.

Other Rec Sources - since my list is pretty much just the best of the best (IMO, of course), I've supplied you with these other blogs/tumblrs that also rec Sherlock fanfiction. There's just SO MUCH. You will be overwhelmed, and overjoyed. Now, you will NEVER EVER run out! Because I just gave you a lifetime's supply of Sherlock fanfiction. :P

Fanfic of the Moment
  1. Let's Make a Bed Out In the Rain by theimprobable1: Really could be canon. Sherlock helps John cope when his girlfriend breaks up with him. Fluff! <3
All-Time Best Fanfics
  1. Alone on the Water by MadLori: this is, by now, pretty much considered a rite of passage for the Sherlock fandom. You can't consider yourself a true Sherlockian if you haven't read this. Seriously. And when you do, make sure you're prepared for it. Personal note: This story made me cry. I do not cry. That's how heartbreakingly amazing it was. Also, there's an official YouTube vid that was made for this fic. It's two minutes of sheer angst. It made me cry. Again. Fic: Vid:
  2. Monster by moony: this is the fanfic that really got me into gen fic. It has all the suspense, all the adrenaline, all the heart-pounding, nail-biting action that was in the show. Fic:
  3. His Favorite Four-Letter F-Words by cathedralcarver: I have no words. Angst, hilarity, love, hate, everything. Ah, so beautifully well-written. Fic:
  4. The Anatomist by rosa_acicularis: The first and best Dark!Molly fanfic I've read so far. After this, you will never be able to unsee their relationship. This was what got me into AU fics. Dark deliciousness. Fic:
  5. Art of the Reasoner by tellytubby101: AU; Artist!Sherlock = beautiful. Oh-so-gorgeous. The epilogue was really creative, too. Fic:
  6. It Feels Like Home When I'm With You by etothepii: AU; Ghost!John and his relationship with Sherlock. Really heartwarming. Definitely give it a shot; I'm glad I did! I was about to skip over it, because I thought Ghost!John was a stupid idea. HAH. It's actually really brilliant. Fic:
  7. The End is a Fraud by aslipperysloth: Broke my heart. Inspired me to sing for the talent show. Angsty to the max. Not even kidding. Fic:
  8. Shadows on the Wall by AraSigyn: John is psychic. He knows more than Sherlock gives him credit for - in some cases, he even knows more than Sherlock. Fic:
  9. 404 Error: File Not Found by nejem: ME CREYS. In the same vein as AoTW, but heartbreaking in a different way. Fic:
  10. Above, Below - Through the Cracks by doodle: Wonderful AU. There are two faces of London: London Above and London Below. Guess which one Sherlock's a part of? Fic:
  11. Entropy by cyanocorax: Five different endings The Great Game could have had. Fic:
  12. Burn the Heart Out of You by starjenni: Exciting eight-part gen story. Sherlock, John, Moriarty. The chase. The conclusion. (I truly am one for drama, aren't I? DRAMA QUEEN! XD) Fic:
  13. Touchstone by machshefa: AU, magical realism. Gorgeous. Fic:
  14. The Regent Park's Regulars by Bastingstoke: Brilliant AU fic with Swan!Sherlock and Duck!John. Somehow manages to stay perfectly in-character, too.
  15. Paradox Series by wordstrings: This really is the best, most well-written Sherlock fanfiction I have read. What I really love about the series is the titles and how they fit into the stories, and then how each story progressively builds upon the previous ones. This should be a rite of passage, a must-read for all Sherlockians. Fic Main Page:
  16. Redivivus by cathedral_carver: There are so many different ways to die. Clever, clever fic. Horrifying and amazing at the same time. Showed me that I really do love stories with deja vu, where something happens over and over again. Fic:
  17. The Science of Circumvention by lusus_scientiae: Wow, just wow. Incredibly cleverly written. This is one of those stories that you read, and then immediately re-read. Fantastic plot twist at the end. Fic:
  18. The Prize by trillsabells: Fantastic gen AU. Read my blog post for full review. Fic:
  19. Waking You Up by brbsoulnomming: John dies and Sherlock blames himself. So incredibly clever. How I do love fics with plot twists at the end like this. Again, read blog post for full review. Fic:

Sherlock Authors
  1. doodle_writes: This is the LJ of doodle, which is a compilation of all the fanfic doodle has ever written. The first 60(ish) entries are all Sherlock. I highly recommend The Empty House and A Silver Sixpence (that's other than Above, Below.. which I already recced.)
  2. starjenni: Welcome to the LJ of starjenni, a prolific Sherlock author. Girl, you got talent. Seriously. And for convenience, the first thing you see is a masterlist of all the fanfic she's written. I am proud to say that I have read every single one of her Johnlock fanfictions. They are all wonderful, but a personal favorite is Chow Mein, Deductions, and Realisations. It had me (literally!) laughing out loud. I had to stifle my giggles because I didn't want my parents to hear me and be like, "wtf?" XD And a note about The Case of the Perfect Stitch-Up: I actually commented on Chapter 3, and pleaded with her to update. Pleeeeeease do! Soon!! This only served to remind me why I do my best to avoid WIPs... I just can't handle the wait!
  3. tellytubby101: I found this author through Art of the Reasoner. I read it. Then looked it up. Found the same author on, and looked through the fanfics. Read all the other Sherlock fanfics. Really great AU stuff. And now, looking through your LJ masterpost, I just found out that you wrote another fic in the artist!Sherlock-verse. Squeeeee! After I finish this blog post, I'ma go read it. :)))))
  4. cathedral_carver: Beautiful characterizations. Creative plots. All in all, a great author. And so many works!!! :D Go. Read. Now. Shoo!
  5. lavvyan: Read Traffic Lights for the Blind, the Sky for the Reaching, and Continuity. Adorable angsty and fluffiness! <3
  6. deuxexmycroft: Oh lord. READ ALL THE DARKFICS! Seriously, though. They're really dark. And disturbing. And creepy. But READ THEM. Especially Multiples - it's a fandom classic.
Other Rec Sources
  1. I'll get a candle for the table: Biggest and best fic rec tumblr out there, I do believe. I love their day-of-the-week recs, except now they're on HIATUS, dammit. Well. I'll be a-waiting faithfully for their return, and meanwhile... I'll be going through all their previous pages! Good Lord, they have 23 full pages. o_o I'ma be busy for a while... XD Tumblr:
  2. That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever done: Master fic reccer. Flawless person. Impeccable taste. -fuckyeahsherlockfics on anarmydoctor. And I must say, all of that is true. Plus, she's a gorgeous girl. :) And her recs are just as gorgeous. <3 Tumblr:
  3. Fairyd123 Fanfic Recs: LJ of another source of pretty good Sherlock recs. Some of them are especially amazing, and- oh! I just realized that this was where I first encountered The Anatomist. And Monster. And It Feels Like Home When I'm With You. So scratch that -LJ of another source of GREAT Sherlock recs. (You just gotta know what to look for!) Warning: also includes recs for other fandoms! LJ:
  4. OatmealJumper's Fanfiction MasterPost: This is my new fave source of fanfic. Oatmeal here is making a list of 1000 fanfics, organized by category. So far there are 645 fics, and they are FABULOUS. Oat, I admire your dedication to this monster of a project! :D Tumblr: