Thursday, February 24, 2011


One thing you should know about me:


I swear, it is the most amazing thing in the world. Especially Harry Potter fanfiction :) But me, I prefer the non-canon couples, the ones that aren't typical ones like Harry/Ginny or Hermione/Ron (because of fanfiction, I now officially hate that pairing! Ron SO doesn't deserve her, he's too stupid :P). My faves:

  1. Dramione (Draco/Hermione fo-evahh! <3)
  2. Severus/Hermione (not as much, but sometimes if I find a really good story)
  3. Hermione/Remus
  4. Lily/James (come on, gotta <3 the Marauders! They're sooo funny)
So, yeah. Pretty much. Well, I bet you're wondering about the title. Well, (drumroll!!)
I found a really good Hermione/Severus fanfic called "Kitten." It's really cute and fluffy, just what I like to see in fanfiction! :D Here is the link:

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Just so ya know, I'll be posting A TON of fanfic on here. Because that's just how enormous my love for fanfiction is <3 :* <3

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