Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden is Dead

I'm sure you've heard by now that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Well, you know, the funny thing is, I didn't even know he was still alive till yesterday, when the news got out! :D
Okay, let me explain. What I meant is, I never really paid much attention to Bin Laden and al-Qaida in general. Until I got a text from my friend, I didn't realize that now Bin Laden was killed. Basically what happened was:
  1. She texts me. I think, "Hm, really? I thought it was old news..."
  2. I Google News it on the iPad. I find an article from 2 minutes ago that says "Osama Bin Laden is Dead". I say, "Whoa! What?!"
  3. I call my dad over, and he turns the TV on. And the news is all over every single news channel. CNN, FOX, MSNBC. And all the other ones too.
  4. We sit there for 30 mins waiting for President Obama to make his official statement.
  5. Obama makes his statement. In my opinion, it was a pretty good one too. Clear, concise, and diplomatic. Just the facts, just how they should be. And I found it pretty entertaining too. Idk why. Lolz.
So, yeah. That's pretty much what happened last night. Then today, there is this picture all over the news. It's really intriguing, wondering what is going through these peoples' heads. Especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. I mean, look at her face! And then, look at President Obama's expression.
That is pretty scary.
That must have been some pretty intense stuff happening in there.

And, finally, some humor on this situation. I was reading a news article, and I looked through the comments people posted under it. Some genius posted something along the lines of this:

         Donald Trump's reaction to Bin Laden's death: 'Let me see the death certificate in long form.'

Me after reading that: "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I love that comment right there!! If it was on Facebook, and if I had a FB, I would have liked it a bajillion times. Seriously.

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