Monday, April 9, 2012

A Study in Winning by Jupiter-Ash - Review

Man, this fic. I'm definitely adding it to my fandom classics list, because it reminds me of 'Performance in a Leading Role' a lot. It's basically on the same level - Jupiter-Ash has taken Sherlock and John, placed them in a totally new universe, and still made it work. It's fabulously written, paced just right, and you can TELL the author did her research on tennis. It's essentially converted me to a tennis fan! (I used to watch it before, but not much. Now I know I'll be sitting right there with my grandparents watching Wimbledon! I only wish Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were real tennis players ;u;)
The best thing about this fic hands-down is the tennis. God, I love the tennis. It's not too rushed, but it doesn't drag on forever, either. I must admit, I did enjoy the Moriarty in this fic. Especially the part when John punched him at the party. XD
Bottom line: if you've read and enjoyed Performance in a Leading Role, then definitely give this one a shot. It's just as good. With an added bonus: there's a sequel, which is currently a WIP! ^^

Livejournal, WHY?!

So lately, I've been considering making myself an LJ account. I mean, why not? I already have a Tumblr, and it's not like an LJ account would be a big leap or anything, since I already spend so much time on there reading fanfic... Plus, LJ is a really convenient site. I can actually get to it on my phone, too! (The mobile version, that is. Which is really nicely formatted btw! I like it~)
I can already log into the website using my Google account, anyway. The only reason I want a full-fledged LJ is because I can't (a): post comments on the really awesome fanfics I've read, and (b): make my own posts (fanfic or otherwise). The reason I'm even bringing this up is because I need a place to post my fanfic. (Yes, I know. Me, post fanfic?! The world is going to END!) Nothing great, mind you. I just need a place to put all of them so I can organize my thoughts. Quite frankly, I've gotten tired of trying to keep track of all the loose leaf papers I've written ficlets and snatches of Johnlock on. (One is in my fast track binder and the other's in my computer science one... I think. They travel too often!)
So why am I posting this anyway? If I already made myself an LJ? The problem is, I haven't. Livejournal's being retarded by putting a limit on the length of the username. I wanted to use the same one as my tumblr (for convenience), but it's too long. Apparently, it can only be 15 characters. (wtf?) So 'purpleshirtobsession' is too long. Only 'purpleshirtobses' fits. So either I make up a similar username, or I forget about the whole idea. Idk, I'm giving up for now. I'll probably try again later, once I can actually think of a good username... >.>'

P.S. If I ever do make an LJ and post what little fanfic I've written, don't be eager to read what I have. It'll be crap anyway. Most - no, ALL of the stuff I've written is unfinished. I start off, and then I don't know where to go from there. Ugh. But don't mind me, I'll just sit here and wallow in my fanfic writer's angst. ><