Saturday, October 15, 2011

Reminiscing about Dramione <3


Lately, I’ve been thinking about some of the really good Dramiones I read. And I mean, REALLY good. They’re well-written, have a great plot, and a slow-building romance. THAT’s the most important thing – you can’t rush the romance! Ever! It’s what constitutes the difference between a good Dramione and a GREAT Dramione. Some of the best out there have all these qualities.

I’ve also been needing a break from HGSS. I think I read too much of that yesterday… Plus, I think Sugar Quills has really affected me… >< Don’t get me wrong, it was REALLY WELL-WRITTEN, but too dark and creepy. Which was the point of course. But Dark!Snape is siriusly scary. *shiver*

So, I am falling back on my OTP to bring me back to life. :D Here are some of the best which come to mind when I think of Dramione:

1. We’ll Always Have Paris. I just remembered about this one yesterday, because I was thinking about that one scene and I was like, “OMG what story was that?!?!” I’m gonna start with this one. And you should too.

2. A Series of Unfortunate Events. This one I read recently on by Geeky-DMHG-Fan. It is absolutely wonderful, and is like the ideal Dramione.

3. Grey Tuesdays. Gosh, what to say about this? It’s on Livejournal by floorcoaster, and it’s fantastic. (LOL no pun intended ;P) The imagery is just so strong, and that exotic setting lends to the plot and the interactions between Draco and Hermione even more. GAH, it’s gorgeous! After reading it, I wanted to go there so badly. And I still do.

Unfortunately, I must say that being a Dramione fan, I still haven’t read The Dragon’s Bride by Rizzle. And I’ve heard SO MUCH about it. It’s EVERYWHERE! I guess it’s like one of the classics now. And I also have not gotten the chance to read We Learned the Sea. I think I should just go into the story without reading the summary, because frankly, that’s what’s been holding me back. Although I don’t know why. And I started reading The Dragon’s Bride like, a year ago, and I stopped because I didn’t like it. (FAIL! I didn’t even get past the first chapter. Same with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when I was like, 8 years old.) I will definitely give it another go. Soon. I promise.

But now, to re-spark my interest! *goes off to We’ll Always Have Paris*

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Thoughts and Feelings About What Happened Just Now

Right now, I’m sure that almost everyone I know has an Apple product. My family has two; the iPod and iPad. My iPod is simply awesome. Even if it is the 1st generation dinosaur that doesn’t even fit in my pocket. So what? It has 60 GB. Yup, you heard me. I probably haven’t even used up a tenth of it. I have a lot of good memories with this iPod, and I love it. It’s so useful for travel! Actually, I even just used it less than three hours ago. LOL. Basically, it’s a freaking awesome device.

Then, there’s the iPad 2. Which is also really cool. One of the big things that Apple got down perfectly on this thing is the super-fast Internet experience. It is seriously fast. I’ve got to give them that. And then, who doesn’t love the games? Two words: Angry Birds. Nuff said. Well, maybe not nuff, ‘cause then there’s Fruit Ninja and Ninjump and that game with the flying penguin thingy with a polar bear chasing it whose name I can’t remember… So you see.

Contrary to all of the above, though, in truth, I’m not an Apple fan. Firstly, I love PCs wayyyyy more than Macs. I am a BIG PC person. Secondly, Apple’s been losing my support recently because although they do have some great stuff on the things they make, they have GOT to fix some of the problems. First of all, the Flash on iPad. GET FLASH FOR IPAD!!! Really!!! That’s a BIG thing that ticks me off about it. There’s more too, but I’m not posting this solely to bash Apple. So, now that my mom is considering an iPhone 4S, I’m really not too happy about it. (She kinda has to though, it’s work stuff.)

Clearly, you can see I’ve been upset with Apple products lately. Don’t get me wrong, I love them… sometimes. That is, certain things. Then the others really get me pissed off. But anyway. Moving on!

When I found out less than an hour ago that Steve Jobs had died, I didn’t know what to think. When we turned to CNN, I learned a whole lot more about this guy, the former CEO of Apple. In short, they are as follows:

1. Steve Jobs had really bad pancreatic cancer. Which is the cause of his death. I didn’t realize he had Stage 4 cancer… I actually didn’t even know he had cancer! When I thought of him, I pictured a young, healthy guy promoting the iPhone and iPad. Or, at least, I thought he was similar to Bill Gates. He was only 56 years old, though! To die of cancer that young is sad. Really sad. Sorry.

2. He was smart. No, really, he was a brilliant dude. I watched some footage of him promoting the iPod Nano, and he did it really well. (You know the tiny pocket inside the bigger one on jeans and stuff? Well, the function of that is to hold a Nano. Yup. Pretty smart.)

I just want to express how I feel now. I feel incredibly sad that the world just lost a guy like Steve Jobs. I feel sympathy for his wife, family and others who knew him a whole lot better than I did. I feel bad about the fact that I’d been hating on Apple these past weeks, not knowing anything.

Now the question is, what will Apple do?